Thursday, March 29, 2012

~~~tooo cute~~~... Miss Katie...aka Princess.
For some reason she just loves the brick hearth in the kitchen.
Has she grown any???
Oh come on..
her NOSE is 
This is the first post with the *NEW* blogger...
~~~HATE IT~~~

We are ready for our show this weekend in Gettysburg...
I just hope Gettysburg is ready for us!!

I will take pics and post just as soon as we get set up tomorrow...
but keep in mind that set-up does not start until 4 pm so it may be rather
a late post.

Anita has the shop tomorrow for me and it will be 

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Not Outside The Box

Happy Tuesday!
Finished up the little stitchery and did not have a frame
for it...
but I did have a box!!
I love old boxes and using them for all 
kinds of "stuff"
I added a little rusty wire and an old "bobbin light"
and ++POOF++
I rather like it.
think I'll keep this and make another!

I will grubby up the flicker though, but I just
did not have one handy for this picture.

Quick update on our little fur baby girl...
she has a pulled muscle in her neck...
yeh she got that from me!!
Suppose to keep her seperate from Tinsley and Eli,
is the vet SERIOUS??
So I went and bought a cage and a small bed and of course a new toy...
is SHE in her little safe place????
but Eli is!!
I guess even he needs a break every once and a while!!

Have a blessed day and Thank You for your visit today!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I have been Spring Cleaning for what feels like
I think Lee has now taken 8 bags of clothing to our Goodwill.
These are the BIG leaf and lawn contractor bags...
When we moved here 5 years ago, I never went thru the
clothes (mine) and now seemed like a good time to do it.
Next will be the shoes...
over 200 pair...yeh, it's a problem!!
Do you wear a size 7-8???
Come on over!!

Here is the latest of things I have
been working on...

I can actually say that I am ready for
Just a few little things to finish up
wash and pack...
then hit the road.
Sure wish you were going Cathy and Lori...
Gonna miss you guys!!

Hope you all have a wonderful evening and
Thank You for your visit.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3rd Try IS NOT a Charm


I have tried 3 times to add flowers and pictures
to no avail...
I guess it's my turn with blogger problems!!

Hope you had a fantastic day!!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Mother's (Owner's) Love...

of course I have to show off the new
baby girl...

I could not resisit the last picture, you KNOW
you all have one of  THOSE baby pictures
laying around...
She is her new bed with her blankie and new collar...just
a temp though. No harness that small but I wanted her to get
used to wearing something.
She slept all night last night in her bed beside me, and all is well
in the household.
Eli has done a 360...yep he loves her
and he now loves to be rubbed and loved on. 
Not sure WHAT happened but had I known he was going to act like
this I would have gotten a puppy a long time ago!! 

Gotta go "play" now!!
Thank you for you visit...
and all of your wonderful comments and emails
about Katie...and Sassy.

Blessings from our home to yours

Friday, March 16, 2012

It Is With Great Pleasure.....

that I introduce to you...
Miss Katie Scarlet Harrison.
she is 6 weeks old and a little baby
We will pick her up today after lunch.


Wish us well with her as we
have only met over the internet
and Tinsley still needs to approve...
but who could resist that FACE!!

Thank you for your visit and all of your kind
words extended to us after a crappy day on Monday!!


Monday, March 12, 2012

The Passing of A Special Girlfriend...

Sassy Harrison

our wonderful baby girl...
big sister to Tinsley
Eli's play toy...

is now with Champ and Little Kitty.
This task was one of the hardest things Lee and I have EVER done.
We new that it was coming and last night was just not
a good night for Sassy...
so the decision was made.

We miss her...
we love her...
and she will ALWAYS be in our hearts and thoughts.

On a happier note...
If you have reserved a copy please
stop by the shop and pick yours up!
I will be there on Wednesday.

I do so hope that you all are enjoying this wonderful
spring weather...well here it is wonderful
hope it is in your area.
Thank you for your visit to Millstone

Thursday, March 8, 2012

~~Bee Hive~~Hornbeam~~

Good evening... hope all is well with you.

Can you imagine keeping your food in one of these?
or keeping your bees in it?
Bees you wonder...well I have been told it is either
an OLD bee hive or hornbeam.
More have told me that it was a hornbeam than a bee keeper.
I love it either way...
they are getting rare..
hard to fine...
and are really a cool piece of history.
"A Simple Life"...(jill peterson)
did an article on them in the fall 2011
You can see where this one had an old leather band
around it at one time...possibly to hold it together??
It still has a small piece of it clinging on.

This is a neat piece also, great green paint still in some areas.
Have never seen one with "cubbies" as I call them
You can see where the flour sifter used to be.
This may just have to hang in MY

Excuse the red tape, did not want it flying open
for the trip home from TN.
Looking forward to returning there in August..
see all you guys again!!!!

We are going at it pretty steady getting ready for our
next show
So looking forward to that!
Been told it is a packed if
you can attend I think it would be worth your time!!

I now have a screened door on the front of the shop....
Such a pleasure to have the door open and hear the birds,
smell the fresh cut grass
and of course hear the traffic!!
Love It!
Thanks honey...aka Lee.

Thank you for your visit to Millstone
and we will talk later.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


A big Thank You to Jackie and all of
the wonderful friends that we now have in TN. for making
"The Gathering" a success.
We survived set-up..we only had one booth for this
show...never have had that small of a space before...
needed 2 (or more)...moved walls 3 times...poor Lee...
moved a green cupboard a bizillion times...poor Lee
tables were moved, taken down and re-set back up...poor Lee
...see a pattern here.
He was an angel!! Never complained, cussed or fussed!!!
Give him a round of something!!
O.K. here are only a few and I are
not friends right now!!

This last picture Lee went upstairs to take a picture...during
set-up...guess he needed a break!!

We also survived tornados..EVERYWHERE!!
They were all around us but the only thing that happened here
was that we lost power...but I needed to go to bed anyway...
al was good!!

Thank you for your visit,
I really appreciate each of you, yiour comments and e-mails!! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Arrived Safely!!

we have made it to Knoxville
safely!!  AND we even found the Wal-Mart...
well a girl CAN NOT wear brown shoes with black pants!!
I forgot mine and Mr. Lee was so kind to find the
nearest Wally World.

The boxes are what I was working on right before
we left this morning. Thought you might like a peak.

I will show you all of the pictures later in the weekend...
There are 80 primitive dealers at this show!!!!!!
I can't wait to shop!!!!!
Hope to get some goods for me and the shop!!!

I want to say
for working the shop for me!!!
Hope you enjoyed your linen!

Thank you for your visit to Millstone...
talk later!!