Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It's the time of year for.......

Brewing...and I do not mean beer.
I am rushing fall...I long for it!!
I can't wait!!!

Sooo...look at my colors of fall.
and you should smell this....
caramel apples, maple syrup,
small undertones of spices...
all cooking up in my cauldron...
o.k. so it's not a cauldron but it is an old speckle pot.
My old home smells so good.
"Witches Brew" by millstone

This batch shall head to Knoxville with us next week...
where, along with pumpkins, ghost, crows and oh yeah..
Millstone will start the fall show season!
Very excited...but darn my fingers are sore!

THANK YOU for all the phone calls and e-mails wondering if we would be back at
Walker Homestead in Sept...
we shall be in Kentucky for the wonderful
Kentucky Roots Show
(need to be cloned sometimes!!)

Good Luck to all of the kidos who went back to school today (Amherst)...
and ya know what that means.....
College Football CAN'T be far behind!!!!

Blessings from our home,


  1. YUM! I can smell that witch's brew over the computer! Hope you have a great show in Knoxville. Sure wish I was going to be there. You, Connie and Rebecca will all be there this time. Darn!!! Have fun, Dawn

  2. I think I can smell it too! WONDERFUL! I am with you, so ready for fall!!! OLM

  3. I bet it smells amazing! Love the colors. I am so ready for fall, it is my favorite :)
