Sunday, January 30, 2011


another Millstone design.This is a countertop Keeping Bin.
Yeah, I know it's not on my's a long way up there and then back down.
Soooo, I just snapped the pic. But you get the jist off it. You can see it is just a scant biggerthen the pie keep which is behind it. I really, really like this.
I can see it with old jars, cookbooks, pie tins...OR rolls, bread, cookies...
Whatever your heart desires to put in it!!
Whatcha think 'bout this one?
Yesterday Mr. Lee and I hit the wide open road...really do not know where the heck
I was.... I should pay more attention to detail!!!
But, we had a blast. We dug and scoured in boxes and bins....
Laughed until we almost cried...and cried.
He is the most awesome friend I could ask for...he never asks....
He just does....thanks honey!!
But anyway (sorry for the side track) we found...
Old handmade rakes,
old LARGE floor standing yarn winder
Great old blue doll cradle....SWEET!!
Shabby Chic White Shutters
old cookie cutters
4 vintage buntings
and the bestest part is we only spent about fifty bucks.
He has the "stuff" in his shop dusting it off and cleaning the wood down with
Liquid Gold...if you haven't used this stuff it's GREAT!!
We had a wonderful dinner at Briar those gift cards!!!
It was a great day and a MUCH needed day!!
I am LOVIN' this's almot 60 here today!!! WooHoo!!!!
Of course it will be 25 degrees colder tomorrow, but it's TODAY that matters!!!!!
Have a Blessed Sunday!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Millstone Mercantile's Countertop Pie Keeper....complete with "cooling rack".
This one measures 23x9.5x13.5Here it is with the doors open...the little bowls and shoo fly cover
were made yesterday in between paint drying time. You can see the sewn screen covered with shoe polish in this pic......
Soooo, whatcha think??

Today my job is doing the errands for Lee, laundry and finishing up the bucket bench.
Nothing REAL exciting!!
This weekend is a spring sneak peak....53 on Saturday!!!
WOOOHOOO...hopefully I can get Mr. Lee to go with me to the shop (Lori's) and then
we can venture out and do some junking!!!
Yeppers, that sounds like a plan to me!!!
LOVE JUNKING on a beautiful Saturday (really love it any day!!)

O.K. Y'All...have a fantastic Friday and I will show you any pics on Sunday
of treasures that I find.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Matching Pair....

Well, here it is...the "set". Sorry there is no before pic of the little piece...I know I took it
just can't find it. Today I am building a bucket bench and a table top pie safe complete with rusty screen.
I will show you some pics of them when complete.
Are we having a good week?? Same old stuff 'round here although the other day I did
take a road trip through the Shenandoah Valley, THAT was nice. The views and the antiques that I saw were awesome. Thank you Donna for a very fun day. Can you believe that I....
Me, Moi, did NOT buy the first thing!!! I was soooo proud of myself for coming
home empty handed...which by the way will 'prolly NEVER happen again!
Seriously though, I just went to keep her company and get out of the house for a little while.
I have already told Mr. Lee that HE WILL be taking me back...although I really have no clue
as to where we were, heck...we were in folks houses....WOW! They HAD some stuff, and the homes were beautiful! I guess I need a map, and little flags stuck on it to tell us which direction to head to. That will be another day, like AFTER spring. It was a bit on the
cool side in that valley.
They said that we were suppose to get some weather yesterday....they lied.
....we had thunder, lightning and sleet at the same time...FREAKY! Next came some
HUGE snow flakes for about an hour and then I honestly thought the sun was coming out!
Our grass never even got covered. BUMMER!!! I love snow!!
Since I have hubby at home today, I am going down and take FULL advantage of him....
NOOOO not like THAT...
I just need to make sure he is working on what needs to be completed....
and not just foolin' around. Cant' ya just here the "snap" of my
Y'all have a great day,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Good afternoon....quick peak at the Candle Makers Cupboard.This is made from an old wood and a shutter. It has a little drawer, a small pull down bin
2 cubbies and behind the shutter is 3 shelves. There is no "stain" on this...
just the brie wax for the finish and a little shoe polish here and there. I was going to
paint many cranies for I just let Lee wax it. It really shows up dark in the pic, but in person it is a little lighter. I think if there was such a thing as a Candle Makers Cupboard then he would have liked this beside him to hold his "stuff"...wax and wicks and such.
Did everyone have a good weekend? And were you satisfied with your football games?
Who won....heck who played!!!!??? Did some scouting yesterday...always on the
lookout for "new things".
Nothing else much has gone on, still working on the rabbits and I am getting ready to
put some small stuff up on etsy.
Have a blessed day and will talk to you later.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Please...Give Me The Number......

to my local chapter of the 12 Step Program for Stink Bugs!!!! There HAS got to
be some kinda help out there that will teach me to co-exist with these THINGSbetter than I am. Did they like miss the memo that told them:
TO: All insects and bugs
FROM: The Big Man
RE: when to die
To All insects and Bugs,
please be informed that when it gets cold...below either DIE
or hibernate....but YOU DO NOT keep on gettin' it.
The Big Man
Sooooo, what part of that DID they NOT get????? I would like to choke the inspector
of the crate that let these little bugs over here....personally I think they dropped
the crate in my house!!
So, I figure that since we have a program for EVERYTHING out there that we
should have one on this subject also.....cause when you go to brush your
teeth and you have one of these STUPID things on your tooth brush it will make you
go nuts...hence the we NEED a program!!!
O.K. I'm good...until one of these things comes flying by my head and sounds like a
Boeing 747 coming in for a landing!!!! Ya know they survived the atomic bomb just like
the cockroach and they have no natural enemy...except a chicken will eat them...but they do not go lookin' for 'em and I can't keep chickens in every room of my home!!! And I would not exactly call a chicken an enemy. Turkey Buzzard yes...chicken no.
This weekend will be spent finishing up a lot of smalls, like the ones I showed ya a few days back and working in the basement. I will tell ya all about our weekend on Monday!!
So with that said my dear friends....

Friday, January 21, 2011

Please Turn Them Off Already.....

...the tears that is.
Oh my...they have been a flowin'!
The hormones are ragin' I guess....
I have cried at Oprah...
Down Under ya know...touching stories
I have cried at Idol....
They just are so happy when they win...
touching stories here also.
O.K. I cried at the Walton's....
we just Love the Walton's
Enough already....I am scared to go out and
when I do believe me I have a hanky!!!!
I just wish I could finish this "whatever stage of life" that
my body seems to be stuck in!!!! It gets a little
There is no Date Night tonight...I am sure that at some point
in my day I shall cry about that also! I am going today to
order some NEW business cards...woohoo!!!!
I got my new banner and magnets for the van the other day...
Sharon did a great job on them.
I am so glad that you all liked the Sellar's Cabinet....and as soon as the other
piece is done I will show you the set.
Have a Blessed Day

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Before and After....

...well sorta. Do you folks remember the furniture I had pictured last year
that was out in the driveway? You DO! (Where is it 'cause I can't find it ANYWHERE
on this computer)...any way...the white cabinet below I sold to a lady in W.VA.
and the we decided we wanted to re-do the other...AND...drum roll please.....
and here is the inside. This one does not have the flour bin,
but has that neat little shelf. We replaced the bottom, 1 side panel and the insert panel
on the front door...people and their dumb stickers!!!!
So, do you like? I am hoping to sell this at the show coming up in Feb. With all of the hard work
that Lee put into this I am asking $ you think that is too high?
You can see part of an enamel top table he has done to match this and we have one more piece
that I call an island with an enamel top that I will show you when it is finished!!
Today I am headed to Bedford to "play" in the shop and take up new merchandise.
It looks kinda like a bomb went off in the booth, so I will pretty much be up there all day.
Please let me know about the price of that cabinet and if you think that is a fair price, I appreciate your feedback and comments A LOT!!!!
Have a blessed day,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just When I Thought.....

...that I had everything organized (?) in the home shop....what happens...
yeppers....HE decides that the "cook area" needs to be on my side....WHERE????
So needless to say my shop is torn all to @#&* AGAIN!!!!!!
No wonder I never get anything done. I spend half my life just trying to
get organized. I am trying VERY hard to be nice while HE turns things upside down....
Enough friend Anita (Three Old Crows) came for a visit yesterday...
just a quick refresher course on stenciling...and this is what she turned out....and this one....
I think she did a fine job on both.

O.K. I have put it off long enough....I have to cut this short and head into the shop...
I need to pour up soap and play in wax...AFTER I finish putting a few things away.

Have a Blessed day my Friends,

Monday, January 17, 2011

Remember...Do Not Take Any Wooden Nickels.....

.....or is that sinks?!! I just had to have this wooden sink
from the auction. I think it is I have never seen one before. She is a heavy thing for sure, but I have
polished her with oil soap and she is ready for her debut at the show.
Soooo, how was your weekend? We had date night Friday night....slim pickins' friends!
They will not have another auction for 3 weekends.....what am I suppose to do now?????
I am going to check out one called....are ya ready for this.....
The Cow Palace.
I love that name. That one is held on Wed. mornings I think.
Yesterday was spent picking out lumber for some furniture building projects
and some peg board for a wall he is building for me to use at the shows. Nuttin' exciting
happening around here. We may get some mixture of weather this afternoon and a few
flakes tomorrow but after the 60 degree weather we had over the weekend I doubt it will
be here for long!!! I still want some cold weather...just not ready for spring yet. I have NOT
complained about any cold weather yet...haven't had a lot of it but lets not forget.....
we are ONLY 5 weeks into winter! seems like Christmas was eons has
only been about 23 days....and look...January is almost over....AND just think now....
YOU only have 10.5 shopping months to Christmas....AGAIN!!!
Just thought I would let you all know....calm down!!! lol
Have a Blessed Day My Friends

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hello...I am BACK

Hello...please tell me ya remember me?!! Folks, I am so sorry, but there were
just some issues that I had to deal with. But I am back on MY path and am very happy....can't you tell....see all the bunnies, chicks, hearts and stockings below? That is not to mention
all of the door boards and small things that have been built and painted.
I have designed a heart and stocking Valentine swag which I will
show you when done. They all have to be stained, painted, sanded and then stained again.

I want to thank everyone for their phone calls and e-mails checking on me.
Have you every "lost" your way? Just couldn't figure out who YOU were or what you should be doing? Well, that is what happened to me. I had to get back to basics and my roots. What I enjoy and love to do. I guess a lot of my problem is that there is SO much that I enjoy and
love to do that sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming!!! But with the help of hubby, Millstone is back on track. We are refinishing a Sellar's Cabinet and I will show you what she looks like in a couple of days. We are working on the doors right now and I personally think that it is

Well my friends, I am headed for the home shop, much needs to be painted and stenciled.
Don't be afraid to step off your path, just remember how to get back on it.
Many Blessings for a wonderful day!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Much Needed Time

Hi folks....I am taking a few days off. I really need to re-think and
re-group a few things. Nothing major is wrong, just got to
remember what direction I started in and what direction I want to finish in.
Thanks for understanding.....
and I promise WE WILL TALK SOON!!
Have a blessed day,

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lookie What I Got.........

a light dusting of wet snow. Look at the trees against that beautiful sky.I took this through one of the den doors, so if it looks cloudy you will know that the windows
need to be
Saturday....the get it all done day.....laundry, cleaning, market, and today I am throwing in
"shopping" for apartments. No I am not moving. I am helping Lee get the materials together
to put back together one that we have remodeled, plus the one we have started.
He's gotta wait though....we bought a new van and I am NOT taking it out
with ANY snow on the roads. FINAL!!!!! We no longer have our much loved
"Hoo Jeep". I gave him that for his 50th birthday. We are getting older and since it was going on 5 years old, money wise it was time to trade. Sooooo, since my van is on it's last leg and we wanted something we could travel in and be safe we decided to take the plunge and buy a new work/treasure hunt van. ROAD TRIP!!!!!! It only has 2 seats though....guess I could bungee cord
someone to the side.....any takers on that??!!!
Have a fantastic Saturday,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

One Down.......

and a thousand more to complete. Projects that is. This is a little
pillow tuck that is filled with poly and a LOT of lavender. Nope not my design
and if I could find the little package I would tell ya who's it is. I know I left it on my work table the other night......ELI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to much to report on this end. Going today to the shop to undo and re-do. But somehow with Felicia, Lori and I, I see more talking going on.

Then it will be taking charge of the home shop AGAIN!!!! What in the heck happened down there I will never know. It just seems like I can never keep it straight.....and I have not EVEN been down there. Lee just unloaded the trailer and van, and ya know how men unload things now don't you.....they just DROP it. So now it is my job to inventory it all in and get it priced and re-packed for the shows and shops. I think I need to leave Eli in the basement for a couple of days....there is a small little field mouse in for the winter I think. I saw a few signs this morning.

Oh yeah...before I forget.....Lee is trying to quit smoking. He is on day 4, and driving me insane. I am on month 6 and really can't remember what it was like when I smoked. Please wish US luck.

Have a blessed day,


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

He's Back At It.....

...getting into trouble that is. THIS is what I deal with, but love it so much.
He has been eying that dishwasher for a while now and I guess he finally got his nerve up toJUMP right in as we would say. See Donna he REALLY was in the dishwasher and NO I
did not put him in there. But don't 'cha just love that "Who Me" look on his face.
Trust me he is NOT the sweet little kitty you guys think he is. He can be mean as a snake.
I got a letter yesterday from the Altavista Chamber of Commerce and they would like me to be a vendor at their once a year festival, and I think I am gonna do it. This will be the first weekend of June...I am pretty excited about that and looking forward to it. I love doing shows and meet so many really nice people.
Well I guess I better go and get my butt in gear....I FINALLY got all my trees down and all
of the Christmas stuff up last I just have to sweep floors and get up all that
#*^# glitter that is EVERYWHERE!!!!!! Plus I need to really push and get things made for the show next month!!!!
Feb. 12, 2011
Winter In The Valley
Fishersville, VA
Early Bird 9-11
Show 11-4

Monday, January 3, 2011

Another New Year.....

another resolution broken....yep did not make it long at all this year. I tried, I really did, but there are just some things that happen that make you really wonder about people. But I have vowed to pick up my britches and start over again. Soooo, things are going better I think. I WILL keep my positive attitude. That WAS one of my resolutions that went south for a couple of days.
O.K. enough about me, how 'bout you? Are you keeping up with your resolutions this year? I wish you much luck and don't let "stupid" de-rail you.
Things are getting done round here, light bags are getting done, bunnies are getting stuffed and painted and stitches are getting completed. Don't ask me how, but they just are.
Justin had his 6 teeth out today, so I was with him all day. He is doing fine now, a little messy at first but much better now. As I left him a little while ago he was getting all hyped up to become a big Stanford fan in the Orange Bowl.
Will have some pics later...maybe some stuff from the auction. A really cool old wooden primitive sink....or the swing churn...or the dough bowl...or the old miners lunch old boxes....and much more.
Blessings to you and yours,