Happy New Year....a little early I know. I was thinking (scary!!)...what do you eat for your
"Good Luck" food for the New Year? I know it is different in some areas of the country. For the Harrison Homestead it is black-eyed peas and this year I will add fresh kale and potatoes.
At the cousin's house in W.VA. it is sauerkraut with noodles and pork, I just heard about
Hoppin' John (made with black-eyed peas). So, what is your 2011 Good Luck meal?
Do you take your trees down or leave them up and retire them after the New Year? This year I am doing differently...I still have my big tree up and will leave it up until after the stroke of midnight...we will see if the luck changes. Plus I really love the glow she gives off and Eli likes having the ladder in the room.
So....will you watch the ball drop in Time Square tonight? Will you actually be there or watching it from the comfort of home? Ours will be spent spending a little time with Lori and Peter
and then we will be home...hopefully we can manage to keep the old eyes open until midnight, but even if we don't, I know we will be in a new year upon awaking.
As you can see Eli is my forever companion...he helps me do pretty much
EVERYTHING!!! I am trying really hard to get my "groove" back....by the way thank you for all of the wonderful comments and e-mails about getting back into the swing of things.
I am working on this sampler at night while watching t.v. and I have also managed a couple of extreme prim bunnies.
I am working on this sampler at night while watching t.v. and I have also managed a couple of extreme prim bunnies.
I wish you much happiness and success in the new year.